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Cursed Treasure 2

Cursed Treasure 2

Here you can play Cursed Treasure 2. Cursed Treasure 2 is one of our specially selected Strategy Games.


Cursed Treasure 2 is an addictive tower-defense game that puts the power of darkness at your fingertips. As a creature of ultimate evil, you don't ask for much... just to raze the odd kingdom, and have your cache of all-powerful magical gems safely hidden away. Too bad the (ugh) good guys are out to steal them.


Upgrade your undead cemeteries to instill fear in foes that makes them flee in the opposite direction, or turn your demonic temples into mighty icons capable of turning the ground to lava beneath anyone's feet. You'll upgrade and enhance each unique type, and of course, unlock spells of your own to enter the fray... when the going gets tough, the tough drop meteors on everyone else, after all.

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